I Believe Her

I, like most of the country, have not been able to step away from the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.


It isn’t even that I haven’t been able to…I haven’t wanted to.  In fact, it is playing in the background as I write.

She is every woman.

I like her.  I want to have a cup of coffee with her.  I want to know her.

She is honest in her fears, what she remembers and what is at stake.

She’s a class act.

She’s sweet and protective: I’ll bet she is a hell of a mom.

She isn’t a polished orator or doing anything other than being herself, acknowledging when she doesn’t understand what is being asked of her.  No showmanship.  None.

She has nothing to gain and everything to lose.

The world now knows of the anxiety she lives with every day. It’s no one’s business, but she shared.

The world now knows that she had sought therapy for herself and her marriage. It’s no one’s business, but she shared.

Her tears are real.  Her resolve is strong.  She’s a hero.

And, in the moments she has laughed, it’s been genuine and courageous.

I want to hug her.

This, my friends, could be any one of us.

Anyone who had a mother, a grandmother, sister, a daughter, a niece, a wife or a female friend needs to listen to Christine Blasey Ford.  She’s telling the truth.

My heart goes out to you, Christine.

Thank you for your courage.

Thank you for your honesty.

Thank you for fighting for all of us.