And…That’s A Wrap

In early 2012, I, quite by accident, created this blog.


What began as a way of communicating to my friends and family the lightning speed with which my son George was becoming my daughter, Jessie, morphed, over the years, into something that was less about her and more about me.


At first, I was little more than the-parent-of-a-transgender-child-trying-to-navigate-unchartered-territory-who-needed-tons-of-support.


Then, as time progressed and because a new (sort of/kind of) normal emerged, my experiences as a person, a wife, a mother, a woman, a daughter, a sister, an ex-wife and step-mother were more urgent than those of the no-longer-newly-indoctrinated-parent-of-a-transgender-child.


Thank you for allowing me to share, shift and share some more.


As parents, we try to do right by our children by making – and helping them to make – good decisions, by guiding them as best we can, but mostly by supporting them.


We work hard to achieve that elusive balance between being authoritative and being cool.


We convince them – and ourselves -we know what we are doing, even when, much of the time, we don’t. (Okay, maybe you do, but I don’t.  Truth.)


Most of us put on a good act, but, in reality, we are just winging it much of the time, hoping that our life experiences have provided the tools we need to support, guide and cherish our children – no matter who they are, what they need or where they might be – physically, emotionally, spiritually.


Which brings me to the point of this post:


Jess is nearly 18 years-old now (talk about crazy!  How is that even possible?!?!), a rising high school senior (say what?!?)  and, out of respect for her, it is time to retire georgejessielove.



As a ten-year old kid, she was down with it.  Over the years, she’s been a bit more reticent in her support.  And, if we are being honest, there have been times that it has made her life more complicated than it already was, is, and will continue to be.  My intent was never to make things harder for her, but sometimes it did. See above: just winging it.

Also see above: trying to make good decisions.


Thank you all for your incredible support over the years.  It has gotten me through some really rough spots.  Don’t think for one second that every kind word, every “you got this”, and every virtual hug didn’t make a difference.  It did.


Thank you for, if not appreciating, at least allowing my candor, my sarcasm, my sense of humor in the face of some tricky stuff.


Thank you for encouraging me, for holding me up, going along for the ride.  It’s definitely been a little bumpy.


I suspect I will blog again some day.  I hope that we find one another when I do.


31 thoughts on “And…That’s A Wrap

  1. Julie, thank you for the time you spent sharing your insight into ALL kinds of topics. I appreciated each and every post and while I will miss your occasional foray into my inbox, I do understand. Regardless of the changes in our lives, we do all reach some sort of “normalcy.” As a wife of a transgender husband, my normal is certainly different from other normal, but it is mine and I embrace it! Best wishes to you and your family. Godspeed.

  2. Hi Julie,
    I completely understand your reasons. When you reach the end of a journey then it’s time to draw a line under it and maybe start something new. I found that with my own transition and with a more recent journey.
    I still blog but it’s to help me process stuff I’m going through and not with the intention of sharing stuff for others.
    It’s so easy to blog about your children when they are going through stuff, it’s really hard to not do that. All credit to you for making the decision to draw a line under this part of your blogging life.
    Love to you and your amazing daughter.

  3. I will miss your wisdom, humor, and honesty. A lot. Thanks for indirectly helping me through my own parenting journey. I wish you and your family the very best!

  4. Best of luck to you!! I take it as a good thing that you are signing off. It means life is good and everyone is happy. I wish you and your family continued happiness. Reading your blog helped me with my daughter and understanding her better. I use to worry she wanted to be a boy and while I don’t think that as much now I know if it were I would be good with it. We just want our kids to be happy. They aren’t our daughter/son – they are our children and we love them. I hope Jessie’s future hold nothing but good things.

  5. Blessings to you all, and enjoy senior year! I overheard my daughter tell some adults (at her open house the day prior to graduation) that her senior year seemed 20 minutes long. 😊 I have enjoyed reading your wonderfully written blog, and do hope that our paths cross again someday. ❤️

  6. As the mother of a transgender daughter, finding your blog when we were in the early stages was a lifesaver. I appreciate so much that you and Jessie put yourselves out there – you both really helped me. Best of luck to Jessie as she moves towards her adult years, and I do hope you blog again (and that I find you).

  7. I can’t remember how I found your blog but I think I started reading near the beginning. Thank you for sharing a sliver of your life with us. Wishing you and yours all the best.

  8. Julie, you will be missed. Everyone above has pretty much said everything I wanted to say. I will think of you and Jessie and the rest of your family…often…wondering what you’re all doing now and hoping you’re all well. Thank you for bravely sharing your world with us, I appreciate it. Good luck to you.

  9. Thanks for all your sharing.
    One of the reasons I don’t blog is for the privacy of my daughter and her experiences so I completely understand your blog ending. Hard to find parents with this shared experience willing to share. Wish you and your family all the best!

  10. You are simply amazing, Julie. I’m honored to have been able to read your blog. So grateful I found you through Beth. Thank you for your honesty and being so real. Wishing you and your family only the best!!!!
    Be well….
    Lisa (Dunn) Lowhurst

  11. 18! Good heavens. Thank you for sharing your journey. Your bravery and candor have always inspired me. Best wishes for the future.

  12. Thank you for sharing your tragedies and triumphs. Knowing you are are not the only one that fights the battle against ignorance is comfort too many.
    I will miss your insight and passion.

  13. This just means that you’ll have more time to work on your book! I’m still waiting for it! Thanks for everything. I’ve never appreciated the words of a stranger more than I have yours.

  14. Thank you for sharing your blog with us all these years, and Jessie’s journey (as well as yours and the whole family over the years. 8 years ago, I had just graduated as a pediatric endocrinologist and had an interest but no experience in working with transgender youth, and my training program did not provide any (which was not unusual at the time). I read everything I could and learned so much from families who chose to share their experiences online. I now care for hundreds of transgender youth and their families. I am very grateful for your time and effort, and in permitting strangers to share your life.

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